About the Commenting System - KawasakiZ1.com
For comments that you would like to display on the site for others to read straight
away, please use the form on the Comments Page.
I do not have a forum, however, please feel free to use the comments form to ask
questions that I, or other readers, may be able to answer by using the commenting system to reply.
Please do not use the commenting system for advertisements, however feel free to
mention your company if you are answering a question that has been submitted.
If you wish to contact me, or if you wish to submit an article and / or photographs,
please e-mail me.
Paul Mercer - z1kawasaki@hotmail.co.uk
If you submit any articles / photographs, please ensure that you own the
copyright, or at least have permission from the copyright holder.
I hate spam mail, therefore I ask you to use the Captcha code system
to reduce automated spamming.
I ask for your e-mail address when you submit a comment. This is also an effort to
reduce spam.
Please be assured that your e-mail address is not visible to other viewers of this
site unless you write it in the actual comment itself.
Please note that the commenting system used on this website relies on a remote
The displayed time and date of comments posted is related to that server and may be different to your local
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